Saturday, December 09, 2006

Publishing videos using Flash

I wanted to publish some videos on my web site in a way that is embeddable in a web page. An additional constraint was that I didn't want to spend much time to learn how to do it. It turns out that quite quickly I found the right tools using Google search.
The first step is a conversion to the FLV (Flash Video) format. For Windows there is a free encoder called Riva VX. I downloaded it and in a few minutes I converted one of my videos to the FLV format.
Next I found the Flash Video Player that makes it possible to embed a video without Flash authoring tools. The player consists of one .swf file, one Javascript file. Those two files and the video are connected together with a little of HTML. I played with it for a few minutes and in my attempts, all four files (.swf, .js, .flv and .html) had to be in the same directory. Since I wanted to embed the video in a file whose location I didn't know and I couldn't assume that it was in the same directory as the other files, I ended up using an iframe that let me embed the video in places like blog posts. Here's the result of my experiment:


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